PlanetGen : Help


  6.0 - Tips & Tricks

World Builder Tip #1

After you make a map that you like, you can load up PaintShop Pro or any other good image manipulation program and add cities, landmarks, and other placenames or features.
World Builder Tip #2

If you eventually create a map that you might want to base a game world on, check the "Draw Grid Lines" in the Options/Advanced section and you will have equal areas that you can use for the major world surface zones.
You can then cut and paste a square section, enlarge it, and modify it as the basis of a more detailed sub-map.
World Builder Tip #3

Utilize seasons in PlanetGen to help you design the flora, fauna, weather, and peoples of your world:

   »   Summer will show where warmer and desert conditions exist.
   »   Winter will show where colder and polar conditions exist.

You may decide to have some creatures (as on our planet earth) that will migrate from one hemisphere to the other in order to escape winter. Others may simply tough it out or even hiberate until spring.

Creating all 4 main seasonal maps and referring to them will help determine the physical characteristics of your world's different races and the crops and vegetation that they will use.
World Builder Tip #4

Utilize the sea surface temperature highlighting to see where icebergs may be encountered in your world and for determining the nature of aquatic life in those areas; cold/cool/warm water plants and animals.
World Builder Tip #5

Once you have a base map of landmarks and features named in your world, you can then begin to draw in political boundaries such as empires, kingdoms, principalities, or other zones of control. If wars, alliances, natural disasters, or other factors change these boundaries, you can change them from your baseline map.
World Builder Tip #6

If you want more water areas within your land areas like swamps, lakes, or inland seas, then select a desert color that is water like and enable desert highlighting.
World Builder Tip #7

Utilize the relief map for help in determining where mineral and gem deposits will go and for locating likely places for caves, earthquake fault lines, and active or potential volanoes, geysers, and hot springs.